Sunday, March 1, 2015

Education - the key a successful course

I've been teaching for over a decade.  I've also had my share of experience with education from a student perspective.  All of my experience has led me to concluding the key to a successful course is proper course planning. 

I believe that an instructor should:
1) Review the course description
2) Review the course objectives
3) Create an outline (a course map) where you look at the each of course goals individually.  Then you create an objective (that is measurable) for what you are trying to accomplish and determine the learning outcome(s)
4) Next, you determine the best method for delivery method (s) - (with technology - we can use online as a supplement or completely deliver the course online).  You should not use technology just for the sake of using it.  Technology should be used to enhance the educational experience.

If you are using a hybrid or blending learning design, you may want to create a Venn Diagram where you show what you are going to accomplish face to face, what you are going to accomplish both face to face and online, and what you are going to accomplish completely online.

Although it is time consuming to complete a detailed course map and Venn Diagram, I believe that a great class is well designed and thought out.

I will continue to document my journey through my MOOC - BlendKit2015.  Stay tuned for more helpful hints.

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