Monday, April 6, 2015

Learning activities in a blendeding learning environment

Week 4 #BlendKit2015 update This was a very interesting lesson. It gave an example of learning activities for holistic, active learning. As with many assessment, there are direct and indirect methods. For a direct assessment, you would either do or observe something (experience) or you would write a reflective journal or have a dialogue. For indirect, you could use case studies, gaming, simulations, role playing and stories (all experience). For online, a teacher can assign a student to directly experience ___ or engage in indirect kinds of experience3s online. Online students can also write a reflection and complete dialogue online with others. In blended learning, you could have several learning activities including: assimilative, adaptive, communicative, productive and experiential. Assimilative is processing narrative media such as lectures, DVDs or texts. This could include concept mapping, buzzwords, crosswords, etc. Adaptive3 is an environment that changes according to learning input. This includes simulations and games. Communicative is discussing. This can be done asynchronous or synchronous, discussions, chats or text messages. Productive is when learners are producing something. This includes creating, producing, writing, drawing, composing, synthesizing, remixing, and mashups. Experiential includes interactive activities that focus on problem solving. This includes practicing, applying, mimicking, experiencing, exploring, investigating, and performing.

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